Monday, November 15, 2004

Acts 1:8 Challenge Launches

SBC Leaders Sign Acts 1:8 Covenant
Terry Fox (seated, left) and Doug Sager became the first two pastors to sign a covenant accepting the Acts 1:8 Challenge during a May 19 launch of the cooperative missions strategy. Fox serves as chairman of the North American Mission Board, while Sager chairs the International Mission Board. Photo by John Swain

“The Acts 1:8 Challenge” – which sets forth a framework for a unified denominational missions strategy based in the local church – was officially launched this past May at First Baptist Church, Woodstock, with the support of Missions leaders from every level of Southern Baptist life.

The goal of the Acts 1:8 Challenge is simple: "To developing strategies to advance the Great Commission at local, state, national and international levels."

Churches interested in learning more about or accepting the Acts 1:8 Challenge should visit or call 1-800-4ACTS18 (1-800-422-8718). There is also an opportunity for individuals to share the concept with their pastors or missions leaders.

Read more about the Acts 1:8 Challenge launch event via this link on Baptist Press.

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